9th April 1959
One week from my last visit to the plot, and there is very little difference. The grass does not appear to have advanced in growth and the ground is still hard and dry. The buds on the tree are fuller and fatter than they were on the first visit in March and are now green.
A brown and orange butterfly* was caught today.
A brown and orange butterfly* was caught today.
* Any thoughts from the butterfly experts on what this might have been? Ed.
Comma perhaps? seems to be the only brown and orange species on the wing at the moment.
Hi David,
Thank you for your observation.
Yes, I've seen Commas recently.
The interesting thing about Mrs B's journal is how much later the spring appeared to be 50 years ago. Would you expect to see Commas in a 'late' 21st century spring?
To be honest i wonder if commas were in Manchester 50 years ago? I know they seemed to begin a rapid expansion over much of Greater Manchester in the 1980's. But if not comma then what? interesting stuff.
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